English for Academic Purposes: Writing and Research Skills

Course Code
ECTS Credits
3rd / 5th / 7th Semester
Σειρά εμφάνισης
Course Category

Maria Varsamopoulou

Course Description

Taught in English. This is an advanced English Language Course aimed at students who wish to improve their academic writing and research skills. It will introduce students to the conventions of academic writing and guide them in understanding the practical requirements of writing essays at the academic level which will include the acquisition of the appropriate vocabulary in their research. It will also require the development of their presentation skills in order to clarify and engage in the topic more extensively. They will also acquire an introductory knowledge of the vocabulary of performing and digital arts through the reading of relevant texts, thus simultaneously advancing their reading skills. Finally, students will learn how to gather and evaluate information from a wide range of sources and the different research methods available to them.  The course will culminate in a research essay which will also be accompanied by a short oral presentation.